Oh no you di'nt!

I received an email from a friend of mine a few days ago. A woman I've known since 1985. Her name is Wendy, but I call her Em—sometimes Emmy Lou—always have. I was a huge Madonna fan in the 80s, and when I met Em, I chose the nickname mostly because I'd read it was Madonna's nickname, too.

Em was diagnosed two years ago with ovarian cancer. I won't go into detail, but she's doing well. We're all so thankful. We keep talking about meeting in Vegas for a Laverne and Shirley weekend. She's fine. [Note to Em: Click on the link—the highlighted words, Honey. You'll like it.]

The email from Em had "Cancer" as the subject. It wasn't a forwarded email, and it was from her to me; didn't appear to be sent to a group. No mistake. My adrenalin surged. Had her cancer returned? Was she not feeling well? Was she scared? I almost couldn't open it.

Here's what it said:

Just forwarding to friends and family members who won’t take this too seriously and of course no big deal if you don’t forward.

It went on to talk about some Criss Angel bit that had to do with your zodiac sign. You were supposed to put your sign in the subject line, then forward to various numbers of people for different levels of luck. Em was born in July. She's a Cancer. Hardy har har.

I emailed back:

Emmy Lou! I canNOT believe you sent me an email with the word "cancer" in the subject line. My heart almost beat out of my chest as I opened it. Don't EVER do that again! With your history. Man!


Em replied:

I am so sorry.  I did not even think about it.  Can’t wait to hear about your vacation.

Luv ya 

And I'm sure she really didn't even think about it. Which is actually a beautiful thing.