Christmas 2008 - The End

I'm certain everyone's tired of looking at, and reading about Christmas trees, cute kids and food.  This is the last from me.  Promise.

I posted a photo of our naked tree a few weeks ago.  It stayed naked for several days, and I really liked how it looked all undressed.  A couple of people [literally two] wanted to see it decorated.  Some of the ornaments are as old as I am, some are made by the kids, and some are from the grocery store "impulse buy" section near the gum, videos, and *warm french bread [*every day at 4:00!].

Christmas 2008 - tree night
Christmas 2008 - tree day

Other than having a tall ceiling, our family room isn't very big, so it was difficult to get a photograph of the tree in it's entirety.  Apologies for three unusual shots.

Christmas 2008 - tree with presents

My parents spent Christmas with us.  Mother's birthday is December 22nd and I had intentions of doing a post in her honor.  I'll do that... later.  Mom and Dad arrived on her birthday after a long, snowy drive from Arizona to Utah.  We celebrated.

Mother's birthday 2008
Mother's birthday 2008 - blowing out candles

Christmas week, we went sledding, worked on a puzzle, ate and drank, shoveled snow, built an igloo in the backyard, relaxed, ate and drank some more, and shoveled more snow.

Dad, Mother, Oldest Boy, Middle Boy, and Mary relaxing - Christmas 2008
Dad shoveling AGAIN - Christmas 2008
Mother and I preparing Christmas dinner - 2008
Christmas dinner - 2008

I made Beef Wellington for the first time EVER.  [Sorry Sherri, I know you're a vegetarian, so don't look at this or click to enlarge.  It's a big hunk of "tortured flesh" - John Robbins' words, not mine.]

Beef Wellington - Christmas 2008
Dad, Mother and boys - Christmas dinner 2008

The days between Thanksgiving and Christmas were fewer this year.  I know many of us felt it.  I was mailing Christmas letters on the 24th, and I have a few more to address.

Christmas morning arrived even though I wasn't quite ready for it.  And everything was just. fine.  It was better than fine.  It was peaceful, there was falling snow, and we were all happy to share time together.

The economy dampens my spirit, and increases my stress.  It affects us all.  Chris and I are taking things a day at a time and trying to focus on what's important, and release the things we can't control.  [Remind me I said that when I freak out - please.]  I hope everyone was/is able to enjoy the simple things this holiday season.

Mary in her pretty dress...

Mary - Christmas 2008